I love this tea. It tastes great, is very soothing and relaxing. In fact, I had surgery, was laid up for a couple of weeks at my mother’s house. Since I didn’t want to be without my Olbas tea, I ordered a couple of cans to have at her house. I returned for a visit a month later and heard my brother say “mom, we’re out of tea”. I asked WHAT tea? My brother had consumed both cannisters of tea while I was gone. Needless to say I was very disappointed! It’s that good. You will love drinking it. It’s slightly sweet, with a mild minty flavor. It comes in a granular form and it melts in water. You can adjust the taste by using less or more granules. Just know that it taste great! Thanks for a wonderful product and I love that it does not have caffeine and I can drink it at night. It relaxes me before bed…Thanks!
Relaxes Me